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Cardiovascular disorders are the most common diseases in all developed countries. In the past two decades cardiovascular medicine made the most impressive advances within all fields of medicine. The enormous progress in scientific knowledge in this field yields a steady increasing amount of data requiring further specialising and continuous professional education at international scientific meetings and conventions.

Only by this way we can implement the latest international scientific achievements and results into daily practice.

To realise this from day to day is our goal. Anybody who learns that he suffers from a serious sickness is worried and wants to know about his chances.

We anticipate Your sorrows and we at all times take Your sorrows seriously.

To offer excellent medical quality to You means for us to guarantee that You will always be treated by the most modern medical procedures available as it will be in the most recommended medical institutions in the world. In this the German and international Centres of Excellence are the benchmarks we compare ourselves with.

Because we want You to get better.

We stand up for You every day: not only in medicine but also what matters your health insurance.

Main areas of activity

Specialist in internal medicine-cardiology-intensive care medicine

Interventional Cardiology and Angiology

Pacemaker AICD and CRT (D) implantations extracorporeal bypass systems

Intensive care

Dr. med. Klaus Lang

Dr Lang Klaus Kardiologe Paten Inhaber P

Memberships, awards, honors

and scientific activities:

Fellow of the European Society of Cardiology,

Member of the working group of Angiology of the European Society of Cardiology and of the German Society of Cardiology

Biographic Implementation in „Who is Who in Medicine and Healthcare in the World” Ed. 2002; and in

“Who is Who in Science and Technology in the World”,

Ed. 2003

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